The Plant Cell Features August First Authors
Blog, Community, The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesIn the month of August, we published many groundbreaking manuscripts. Behind those manuscripts are researchers, professors, professionals and students dedicated to advancing the field of plant science. You’ve seen our First Authors on Twitter and Facebook— now, read more about why they chose to pursue…
Epigenetic regulation during rice domestication and de-domestication
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellCao et al. investigate the role of epigenetic variation in rice domestication and de-domestication. The Plant Cell (2023).
By Shuai Cao1,2 and Qingxin Song1
1 State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Nanjing Agricultural University,…
SnRK1 and TOR—in a different light
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellSaile et al. explore the role of SnRK1 and TOR in light-dependent seedling development and splicing.
Jennifer Saile and Andreas Wachter
Institute for Molecular Physiology (imP), University of Mainz
Background: Plants adjust their development to light…
All in good time: Timing gene activation during early flower development
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellPelayo et al. explore the function of a biological timer that activates key genes for flowering.
Margaret Anne Pelayo, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Background: For flowers to form, the floral meristem (floral stem cells) must irreversibly commit…
A transcriptional hub integrates multiple hormone signaling pathways in rice
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellDuan et al. explore the functions of OsSHI1 in rice development.
Erchao Duan
State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics & Germplasm Enhancement and Utilization, Jiangsu Plant Gene Engineering Research Center, Nanjing Agricultural University
The enzyme that makes many algae brown
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellCao and Bai et al. reveal a conserved enzyme that makes many algae appear brown as opposed to green typical of land plants.
Graham Peers1, Martin Lohr2, Xiaobo Li3,4
1 Department of Biology, Colorado State University; Fort Collins, USA.
2 Institut für…
Teaching Tips for Plant Scientists
Blog, EducationWhether you are new to academic teaching, interested in it, or even experienced in academic teaching, a plant scientist, not a plant scientist, this article is for you. Good teachers and educators have the power of making any individual passionate about topics they thought they hated, and exceptional…
Targeting of plasmodesmal proteins requires unconventional signals
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellGabriel Robles Luna, Jung-Youn Lee and colleagues discover that proteins carry targeting signals that send them to plasmodesmata, but these signals show no sequence conservation.
Gabriel Robles Luna1, Jiefu Li3, Xu Wang1, Li Liao2,3, and Jung-Youn Lee1,2,4* …
Nascent pri-miRNAs and HYL1 act as a scaffold to recruit transcriptional regulators to miRNA loci
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellPark et al. reveal how a microprocessor component and a histone deacetylase act in microRNA biogenesis under stress.
Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs with a length of 21–24 nucleotides that play critical roles in mRNA silencing and translational suppression. In plants, miRNAs…