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Zahra Zangishei: Plant Physiology First Author

Zahra Zangishei, co-first author of "Parasitic plant small RNA analyses unveil parasite-specific signatures of microRNA retention, loss, and gain" Current Position: PhD student, Institute of Biological Data Science, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany. Education: Msc of Agriculture Biotechnology,…

18S rRNA processing factors in maize

Wang et al. find an RNA 3’-terminal phosphate cyclase-like protein that participates in processing the 18S ribosomal RNA in maize. by Tao Wang and Jun Yang The National Engineering Laboratory of Crop Resistance Breeding, School of Life Sciences, Anhui Agricultural…

Genevieve Hoopes: Plant Direct First Author

Genevieve Hoopes, first author of "Keeping time in the dark: potato diel and circadian rhythmic gene expression reveals tissue-specific circadian clocks" Current Position: Scientist in the Plant Sciences Group at J.R. Simplot Company in Boise, Idaho, USA Education: PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology…