The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 7 Don't forget - IT IS EXCITING!
BlogPart 7: Don't forget - IT IS EXCITING!
by Amanda Rasmussen
This has turned into quite a long article based on the advice and insecurities of 8 PIs of varying experience (see details at the end). Our intention is not to scare anyone off making the jump from post-doc to PI…but rather to let you know…
The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 6 Academic Imposter Syndrome
Part 6: Academic Imposter Syndrome (AIS- pronounced Ace)
by Amanda Rasmussen
Academic Imposter Syndrome (AIS):
(I’ve decided to call it AIS (pronounced ace) because that sounds more positive)
I’m not going to lie, this is something I struggle with on an almost daily basis. There are so…
The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 5 The Importance of Mentoring
Part 5: The Importance of Mentoring
by Amanda Rasmussen
Finding and making the most of good mentors is incredibly important (dare I say in particular for the transition from post-doc to PI?). There are blogs elsewhere about this (here) including my comments and experience so I won’t restate the…
The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 4 Building a team
Part 4: Building a team
by Amanda Rasmussen
As reflected by the length of this section, building a team is perhaps one of the biggest challenges to new academics. My team started as me, myself and I. And we don’t always agree! Aside from diluting the Gollum-style conversation, building a team is…
The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 3 Hitting the ground running - but not too fast!
Part 3: Hitting the ground running - but not too fast!
by Amanda Rasmussen
Momentum/Time management:
“I was told that starting your PI position will be slow, but I didn’t realize quite how slow it would be. After six months, I’m delighted that I’ve cleared all the paperwork and other hurdles…
Self Reflection: A Leadership and Management series by early-career plant scientists
BlogPreparing an impressive CV: The DO’s and DONT’s of it
The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 1 introduction
The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 2 Isolation busting
The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 3 Hitting the ground running - but not too fast!
The Transition from Postdoc to PI:…
The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 2 Isolation busting
BlogPart 2: Isolation Busting
by Amanda Rasmussen
“I was told to expect the isolation, but it's still difficult to move from a big, functioning lab with lots of people to being on your own.” –Erin
Personally I was used to working independently having come through two fellowships but for me the isolation…
The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 1 introduction
BlogPart 1: Introduction
by Amanda Rasmussen
A cloudy day in June. I wait patiently outside an office for a meeting for which I’m 10 minutes early. The meeting is with a professor (Prof K) who has recently begun at Nottingham and whose research is of interest as a potential collaboration. As a newly…
Informational Interview with Jason Cavatorta, owner, Earthworks Seeds
Blog, Profiles of Plant ScientistsBy Mishi Vachev, Conviron Scholar
Jason Cavatorta is the owner of his own plant breeding and seed distribution company, Earthworks Seeds, in Orlando, FL. His seed is mainly marketed to home-growers and is often heirloom varieties of tomatoes, peppers, melons, and many more crops. He started his own…