Zhicheng Wu: The Plant Cell First Author

Zhicheng Wu, co-first author of “The circadian-controlled PIF8-BBX28 module regulates petal senescence in rose flowers by governing mitochondrial ROS homeostasis at night”

Current Position: Ph.D candidate

Education: Ph.D candidate at China Agricultural University

Non-scientific Interests: Playing badminton, Roller skating

Brief bio: While studying for a master’s degree in Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, I mainly conducted research on the response of cut-wounding in stem-ends of cut lily. Since 2017, I am very fortunate to be able to pursue a Ph.D under the supervision of Prof. Junping Gao and Prof. Nan Ma of China Agricultural University. We found that phytochrome-interacting transcription factor RhPIF8 directly promoters the transcription and accumulation of B-BOX domain protein RhBBX28 at night, in rose petals. Furthermore, RhBBX28 inhibits the expression of succinate dehydrogenase RhSDH1, thereby affecting mitochondrial ROS homeostasis and regulating the senescence of rose petals.




