Blue light, PAS/LOV photoreceptor and GDP-L-galactose phosphorylase (GGP): the Triumvirate controlling ascorbic acid biosynthesis in plants
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellBournonville et al. explore which factors control ascorbic acid biosynthesis in plants and its accumulation in fruits.
Céline Bournonville, Bayer SAS, 1050 Route de Pardies, 40300 Peyrehorade, France
Kentaro Mori, Université Bordeaux, INRAE, UMR Biologie…

HY5 and TZP cooperate to help plants respond to far-red light
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellLi et al. discover that HY5 and TZP, two factors helping plants respond to far-red light, mutually upregulate each other by distinct mechanisms in transmitting the far-red light signal. The Plant Cell (2021) https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koab254
By Cong Li, Lijuan Qi and Jigang Li