Symbiotic secrets: A multi-omics exploration of the lichen Xanthoria parietina
Plant Science Research WeeklyLichens are complex symbiotic organisms formed by algae or cyanobacteria living within the filaments of multiple fungal species. This unique partnership, which is both stable and self-replicating across generations, represents one of the most successful lifestyle strategies in the biological world. Lichens…

Single-plant omics provides transcriptional insights into the transition from the vegetative to reproductive phases
Plant Science Research WeeklyPlants undergo a series of physiological processes when transitioning from the juvenile to the vegetative phase, and then vegetative to the reproductive phase. RNA-Seq offers substantial potential for uncovering the transcriptional landscape underlying these developmental transitions. However, developmental…

New kid on the plant block: Single-cell proteomics
Plant Science Research WeeklyWhile single-cell omics technologies, particularly transcriptomics, are already becoming widely adopted in plant science, quantifying proteins at single cell resolution is less established. Fortunately, important technological strides have been made that improve sample preparation, separation techniques,…