Casparian strip formation at root endodermal and non-endodermal cell layers in rice
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellZhang et al. investigate the role of the OsCIF1/2–OsSGN3a/b signaling pathway in Casparian strip formation in rice.
By Jixing Xia, of Life Science and Technology, Guangxi University, China.
Background: The Casparian strip (CS) is a belt-like lignin-based…

A dirigent protein complex directs lignin polymerization and assembly of the root diffusion barrier
Plant Science Research WeeklyIn Latin, dirigere means “to align or guide”, so in 1997 when a protein was identified that guides the stereoselectivity of another enzyme it was named as a dirigent protein. Subsequent studies found that the Arabidopsis genome encodes 25 dirigent proteins (DPs). In this new work, Gao et al. characterized…

Casparian Strip formation at the root endodermis in rice
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellWang et al. identify three OsMYB36s that redundantly regulate Casparian strip formation.
Jixing Xia; College of Life Science and Technology, Guangxi University, China
Background: The Casparian strip (CS) is a ring-like lignin-rich structure in the anticlinal cell wall between endodermal cells…