Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Daniel Wangpraseurt
Daniel Wangpraseurt, first author of Optical properties of corals distort variable chlorophyll fluorescence measurements
Current Position: Marie Curie Fellow, University of Cambridge, UK
Education: PhD University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. MSc Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiolgy and Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Bremen, Germany. BSc James Cook University, Townsville, Australia.
Non-scientific Interests: Surfing, beach volleyball, hiking
Brief bio: I am a German-Thai Marine Biologist currently working in the bio-inspired photonics group with Dr Silvia Vignolini at the University of Cambridge, UK. I am fascinated by the diversity and evolution of light harvesting strategies and design solutions of photosynthesizing underwater organisms. I enjoy working at the interface of scientific disciplines and often combine optics and biology to understand the ecophysiology of phototrophic organisms. I worked as a Carlsberg distinguished postdoctoral fellow at the University of Copenhagen, where I studied coral biophotonics. Prior to that, I earned my PhD from the University of Technology, Sydney where I worked with Profs Michael Kuhl and Anthony Larkum on the bio-optics and microhabitat of photosynthetic animal tissues.