Recognizing Plant Physiology authors: Junhua Kong

Junhua Kong, co-first author of METHYLTRANSFERASE1 and ripening modulate vivipary during tomato fruit development

Current Position: Research Assistant, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Education: PhD from University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France; MSc from Hangzhou Normal University / College of Life and Environmental Sciences / Research Center for Plant RNA Signaling, Hangzhou, China;BSc from Hangzhou Normal University / College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Hangzhou, China

Non-scientific Interests: reading

Brief bio: After my undergraduate studies, I joined Professor Yiguo Hong’s Research Center in Hangzhou Normal University in 2012 to pursue my MSc degree. Under the supervision of Prof Hong and co-supervisor Dr Weiwei Chen, I studied the role of epigenetic regulation in tomato fruit development and ripening by VIGS-based knockdown of SlDRM7, SlMET1, SlCMT3 and SlCMT4. I found that MET1-KD induced ripening reversion or seeds germination prior to dispersal (i.e. vivipary) in fruits of the tomato Cnr epimutant. In 2015, I pursued my PhD degree in Prof Philippe Gallusci’s lab at University of Bordeaux. My project was to study the function of DNA methylation in berry development and ripening of grape, a non-climacteric fruit. I joined Prof Zhanwu Dai’s group as a Research Assistant in 2019 and I am now working on grape quality regulation in Institute of Botany, CAS.






个人简介:2012年本科学习结束之后,在杭州师范大学生命与环境科学学院、植物RNA信号传导研究中心洪益国教授和合作导师陈微微博士指导下,攻读硕士学位。在此期间进行番茄果实发育与成熟过程中表观遗传调控作用的研究;主要借助病毒学方法,在番茄表观遗传突变体Cnr中沉默SlDRM7SlMET1SlCMT3SlCMT4基因,研究它们对Cnr果实发育的影响。在此研究中,我们发现沉默SlMET1会诱导种子胎萌。硕士毕业之后进入法国波尔多大学攻读博士学位,在Philippe Gallusci教授指导下,进行葡萄果实(非呼吸跃变型)成熟过程中的DNA甲基化调控作用的研究。我目前就职在中国科学院植物研究所,任助理研究员,在代占武研究员课题组进行葡萄果实品质改良与调控相关的研究。