Recognizing Plant Physiology author Zhikai Liang

Zhikai Liang, first author of Genetic and epigenetic variation in transposable element expression responses to abiotic stress in maize
Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Nathan Springer Lab, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of Minnesota
Education: PhD Agronomy, James Schnable Lab, Center for Plant Science Innovation, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; BS Plant Genetics and Breeding, Nanjing Agricultural University
Non-scientific Interests: Tennis, cuisine and traveling
Brief bio: How could plants regulate themselves in response to environments? — this process could be long-term, short-term or even transient and this is a biological question that I always wonder. We are fortunate to live at a data explosion era and big data enables us to reinvestigate this question more comprehensively. When I was a PhD student with Prof. James Schnable, I was used to apply genetic and high-throughput phenotyping approaches to study underlying connections between genotype and phenotype in the Panicoideae (e.g. maize, sorghum, pearl millet). After I joined Prof. Nathan Springer’s Lab as a postdoc associate, I worked on exploring functional variations of transposable elements (TEs) in different maize lines, such as transcriptional responses of TEs to abiotic stresses and contributions of TEs to phenotypic variations. I believe utilizing big data, classical genetics and artificial intelligence would provide novel opportunities on crop improvements.
当前职位:明尼苏达大学,植物与微生物学系,Nathan Springer实验室博士后
教育经历:内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,植物科学创新中心,James Schnable实验室博士;南京农业大学植物遗传育种专业本科
个人简介:“植物如何通过调节自身来响应环境?”— 这可以是一个长期的,短期的或者瞬时的过程,这也是一个我所感兴趣的生物学问题。我们很幸运生活在一个数据爆发的时代,大数据使我们可以来重新更加全面地审视这个问题。当我在James Schnable实验室读博士时,我利用遗传学和高通量表型组学的方法在多个黍亚科(比如玉米,高粱,珍珠粟)物种中来研究基因和表型之间的潜在联系。作为博士后进入Nathan Springer实验室后,我主要研究玉米不同品系之间的转座子(TE) 功能变异, 例如TE在非生物胁迫下转录组水平的响应和TE对于表型的贡献。我相信利用大数据,经典遗传学以及人工智能的方法可以为作物改良提供新的机会。