Recognizing Plant Cell authors: Nan Nan

Nan Nan, co-first author of A DNA Methylation Reader-Chaperone Regulator-Transcription Factor Complex Activates OsHKT1;5 Expression during Salinity Stress

Current position: Work in College of Plant Protection, Jilin Agriculture University

Education: PhD at Key Laboratory of Molecular Epigenetics of the Ministry of Education (MOE), Northeast Normal University (2014-2019)

Non-scientific Interests: reading

Brief Bio: In 2014, I joined the Key Laboratory of Molecular Epigenetics of the Ministry of Education of Northeast Normal University for my PhD work. I started my journey of scientific learning on how rice plants adapt to salinity stress when I joined the lab of Professor Zheng-Yi Xu’s laboratory. In this study, we found a novel transcriptional regulatory complex composed of chaperon regulator/MYB transcription factor/DNA methylation reader (OsBAG4/OsMYB106/OsSUVH7) governs activation of OsHKT1;5, whose locus corresponds to that of SKC1, which is essential for maintaining K+/Na+ homeostasis under salt stress, and therefore represents a potential tool for improving salt tolerance in crops. In the future, I would like to continue to explore molecular mechanisms of response to stress in rice.


文章:A DNA Methylation Reader/Chaperone Regulator/Transcription Factor Complex Activates OsHKT1;5 Expression during Salinity Stress




