Recognizing Plant Cell authors: Juan Zhang

Juan Zhang, co-first author of Interdependent evolution of biosynthetic gene clusters for momilactone production in rice

Current Position: Postdoc in China Agriculture University; Incoming Associate Professor in the School of Chemistry and Biological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing

Education: PhD in China Agriculture University

Non-scientific Interests: hiking, Boxing and Pilates

Brief bio: I joined Prof. Zhaohu Li’s lab at China Agriculture University in 2010 to start my PhD career and work on plant growth regulator. In 2015, I joined Prof. Reuben J. Peters’ lab as a joint PhD student with the support of the China Scholarship Council and worked on the study of Mepiquat chloride working mechanism and rice diterpene phytoalexins projects. In 2017, I continued my research in Peters’ lab as a postdoc fellow with the support of “The International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship Program” for 3 years. I just came back to CAU in August-2020. The best thing that has happened to me is having these two respected supervisors the last several years which has changed my life.






个人简介:我于2010年加入中国农业大学李召虎教授团队开始我的博士研究生学习,主要从事植物生长调节剂的研究。2015年,获得国家留学基金委资助,以联合培养博士的身份加入美国爱荷华州立大学 Reuben J. Peters 教授团队,主要从事缩节安作用机制和水稻二萜植保素的研究。2017年,获得“国际交流博士后项目”的资助继续在Peters教授团队以博士后的身份工作了三年,今年八月份回到中国农业大学。很幸运这些年能得到李召虎教授和Peters教授的指导,这也改变了我的人生!