Recognizing Plant Cell authors: Feng Xiong

Feng Xiong, co-first author of Arabidopsis KETCH1 is critical for the nuclear accumulation of ribosomal proteins and gametogenesis

Current Position: Ph.D. candidate in State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University, China

Education: M.S. in State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University, China

Non-scientific Interests: reading, playing basketball, and watching movies

Brief Bio: I started to take a great interest in the roles of RNA-splicing factors in plants during my post-graduate study. After I finished my M.S. study, I moved to the group of Prof. Yan Zhang at Shandong Agricultural University as a PhD student. In addition to continuing the study of RNA-splicing machinery in plant development, I am also working on Arabidopsis importins, the cargos they regulate and the biological processes they participate. In this upcoming Plant Cell paper, we demonstrated the key role of KETCH1 in reproductive mitosis during both male and female gametogenesis. Furthermore, we showed that the nuclear accumulation of ribosomal proteins depends on KETCH1. Knocking down KETCH1 compromised ribosome biogenesis to reduce translational capacity, which may trigger the arrest of  mitotic progression.






个人简介:在硕士研究生期间,我对植物剪接复合体的生物学功能及调控机理产生了浓厚的兴趣,并开始了相关的研究。在完成了硕士阶段的学习后,我转入山东农业大学张彦教授实验室开始进行博士阶段的学习。目前,除了继续对植物剪接复合体在植物发育方面的功能及机制研究之外,我主要研究植物IMPORTIN的功能,力图发现其底物蛋白,揭示其参与的生长发育过程。在这篇Plant Cell论文中,我们证明拟南芥核运入蛋白KETCH1通过促进核糖体蛋白的核积累,从而保证有丝分裂的进程,调控雌雄配子体发育的分子机制。我希望能继续从事植物发育生物学研究,尤其在植物胚形态建成的调控机制方面。