Peng Wang: The Plant Cell First Author

Peng Wang, first author of “Medicago SPX1 and SPX3 regulate phosphate homeostasis, mycorrhizal colonization, and arbuscule degradation”

Current Position: PhD student at laboratory of molecular biology, Wageningen University, the Netherlands

Education: M.Sc. in Biochemistry and molecular biology, Xiamen University. B.Sc. in Bioengineering,  Hunan Institute of Science and Technology

Non-scientific Interests: Running, Reading, Photography and Listening to music

Brief bio: I grew up in the countryside of Yiyang, China where I discovered my interest in plant when I followed my parents planting vegetables in our yard. During my master study, I studied the cell wall biosynthesis mechanisms of marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. The fascinating microbial world attracted my interest. Therefore to study both plant and microbes, in my PhD research I focus on the partner control in arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis with Dr. Erik Limpens at Wageningen University. To form an evenly matched successful cooperation that stays mutualistic it is important that both partners have the ability to effectively control each other. Thus in my PhD thesis I studied the function of effectors secreted by AM fungi to regulate host plant immunity, and the function of plant SPX proteins in control degradation of arbuscule according to phosphate levels.

Chinese version:





个人简介:我对植物的兴趣始于小时候跟父母在院里种蔬菜的经历。硕士期间对海洋硅藻细胞壁生物硅化过程的研究,引导我走进了微生物的奇妙世界。因此,在博士期间我主要研究植物与其根际丛枝菌根真菌的互作关系。丛枝菌根是现存最古老和分布最广泛的共生关系之一。一个长期平等互利的合作关系,离不开合作双方有效的沟通和对彼此的调控。因此,我的博士研究主要集中在丛枝菌根真菌分泌的效应蛋白对宿主植物免疫反应的调控,以及植物根据磷营养水平高低来调控丛枝的降解过程两方面。相关成果发表于 The plant cell, New phytologist等期刊。