Ming Zhu: Plant Physiology First Author

Ming Zhu, co-first author of “miR169q and NUCLEAR FACTOR YA8 enhance salt tolerance by activating PEROXIDASE1 expression in response to ROS”

Current Position: PhD student at College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China.

Education: M.Sc. in School of Life Sciences, Anhui Agricultural University. Biotechnology Research Institute, CAAS/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genomics (Beijing).

Non-scientific Interests: Reading and Listening to music

Brief bio: Plants are the environmental basis on which mankind depends. The study of plant gene function is the discovery and utilization of natural laws, which can make us better survive and develop. Through the study and research of maize molecular breeding during my master’s degree, I knew the wonderful molecular mechanism of maize in response to stress, which gave me the desire to explore. During my master’s degree, I focused on the maize miR169q-NF-YA8 regulatory module in response to salt stress. During my PhD, I focused on the functional study of regulatory networks formed by non-coding RNAs in response to plant stress. I hope to discover more natural laws through my research and deepen the understanding of plant molecular biology.




