Lilan Hong: The Plant Cell First Author
Lilan Hong, co-first author of “Enhancer activation via TCP and HD-ZIP and repression by Dof transcription factors mediate giant cell-specific expression”
Current Position: Principal investigator in Zhejiang University, China
Education: Ph.D., Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Non-scientific Interests: reading, hiking
Brief bio: How do plants generate seeds? How does a small seed grow into a big tree? These are questions that have fascinated humans for centuries, while nowadays they still remain elusive. Over the past decade, I have been working in the plant developmental genetics field, trying to address the mechanisms underlying these questions. From 2005 to 2012, as a graduate student in Zhukuan Cheng’s lab in the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology Chinese Academy of Sciences, I studied the development of floral organs such as the stamen and lemma in rice, using molecular biology, cellular biology and histology tools. I joined Adrienne Roeder’s lab in Cornell University as a postdoc in 2012. In Roeder lab, I employed up-to-date microscopy, advanced image processing techniques and computational simulation to understand how cell behaviors such as cell growth, cell division and cell differentiation were coordinated to maintain proper organ morphology and development, with Arabidopsis sepal as a model system. I moved to Zhejiang University and work as a principal investigator since 2018. Currently my lab explores the mechanisms of three dimensional organogenesis at the organismal, cellular and molecular levels in rice and Arabidopsis.
姓名: 洪丽兰
目前职位: 浙江大学,研究员
教育经历: 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,博士
兴趣爱好: 阅读, 徒步
个人简介:植物如何开花结果?小小种子如何长成参天大树?人类一直试图破解这些谜题,但仍然没有得到明确的答案。我在过去的十多年中一直从事植物发育生物学研究,试图解答以上这些基本的生物学问题。2005年到2012年我在中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所师从程祝宽研究员攻读博士学位,采用分子生物学、细胞学和组织学技术研究水稻的花药和稃片等花器官的发育。2012年到2018年,我在美国康奈尔大学Adrienne Roeder实验室做博士后研究,以拟南芥萼片为材料, 采用显微成像技术、图像处理技术和计算机模拟,研究植物器官形态建成过程中的细胞生长、分化等行为的协调机制。2018年我加入浙江大学任研究员,目前我的课题组以拟南芥和水稻为模式系统,从器官、细胞、分子等多水平研究植物器官的三维形态控制机制。