Jin-Lei Liu: Plant Physiology First Author

Jin-Lei Liu, first author of “A CASE toolkit for easy and efficient multiplex transgene-free gene editing”

Current position: PhD Student, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Education: BS in Agronomy, College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong, China.

Non-scientific Interests: fitness, hiking

Brief bio: I’ve got my BS degree from Shandong Agricultural University in 2016. In the same year, I joined the research group of Prof. Chun-Ming Liu in the Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Physiology, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to start my PhD study. My project is the dissection of plant polypeptide signaling in Oryza sativa. During the process of creating mutants using the CRISPR/Cas9-based gene-editing technology, I’ve got interested in this technology and developed a Customized Assembly and Simplified Editing (CASE) toolkit. Briefly, I modified the former reported gRNA cloning vectors and the TKC editing vector, and utilized chemically synthesized multiplex gRNAs spaced with self-cleaving tRNA, significantly simplifying the vector construction procedure and the following selection of transgene-free multiplex gene-editing plants. It is believed that the CASE toolkit can save a lot of labors, cost and time during the transgene-free multiple gene editing procedure.






个人简介:我于2016年从山东农业大学毕业,获农学学士学位,同年进入中国科学院植物研究所植物分子生理学重点实验室刘春明研究组,攻读博士学位。研究方向是植物多肽信号转导。在利用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术创制水稻突变体材料过程中,对该技术产生了浓厚兴趣,建立了一个创制多突变体的简便且省时省力的方法,命名为CASE(Customized Assembly and Simplified Editing)工具包。简言之,我改造了之前报道的gRNA克隆载体和TKC编辑载体,利用了之前报道的由tRNA间隔实现串联gRNA的方法,将这些工作巧妙整合之后,大大简化了载体构建过程,更主要的是极大方便了后期筛选不携带CRISPR构建的多基因编辑植物。该技术可被广泛应用于创制多基因突变体,能够明显节省人力、物力和财力成本。