Jiaxi Yong: Plant Physiology First Author

Jiaxi Yong, first author of “Clay nanoparticles efficiently deliver small interfering RNA to intact plant leaf cells”

Current Position: PhD candidate in Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, the University of Queensland, Australia

Education: PhD candidate (University of Queensland, Australia), M.Eng (China University of Petroleum, China), Bs.Eng (Tianjin University, China)

Non-scientific Interests: Badminton, Cooking

Brief bio: Jiaxi Yong obtained his bachelor’s degree in Tianjin University and master’s degree in China University of petroleum. He joined Xu group in Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, the University of Queensland as a PhD candidate in 2019. Jiaxi Yong’s research focuses on developing nanoparticle-based platforms for macro-biomolecules delivery to plants. He is specifically interested in plant-nanoparticle interactions, for example, the uptake and translocation of nanoparticles in plant and plant cell, the impact of nanoparticles on plants and the plant reactions towards nanoparticles.




兴趣爱好: 羽毛球,烹饪
