Jesús Pascual: Plant Physiology First Author

Jesus Pascual Vazqvez, postdoctoral researcher
Jesús Pascual, co-first author of ACONITASE 3 is part of the ANAC017 transcription factor-dependent mitochondrial dysfunction response
Current Position: Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, Molecular Plant Biology Unit, University of Turku, Finland.
Education: PhD in Biology (University of Oviedo, Spain).
Non-scientific Interests: Listening to music, reading, biking.
Brief Bio: I did my PhD at the University of Oviedo under the supervision of Dr. María Jesús Cañal and Dr. Luis Valledor. During my PhD, I studied the response and adaptation of the tree species Pinus radiata to UV radiation from a systems biology perspective. In 2016, upon graduation, I started as a postdoctoral researcher in Dr. Saijaliisa Kangasjärvi´s group at the University of Turku, where I have been funded by the Academy of Finland since 2019. I study the role of post-translational regulation in retrograde signalling and its importance for stress adaptation.