Review: The complexities of metabolite transport in C4 photosynthesis
Plant Science Research WeeklyC4 photosynthesis, an adaptive mechanism to spatially concentrate CO2 around Rubisco to enhance carbon fixation, has evolved independently at least 60 times in plants. This process spatially separates the initial carbon fixation by PEPC and carbon reduction by Rubisco, which requires that compounds move…

From water to land: What bryophytes reveal about plant evolution and adaptations
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe transition of plants from aquatic to terrestrial environments occurred approximately 400 million years ago, leading to the diversification of two major lineages: tracheophytes (vascular plants) and bryophytes (non-vascular plants). While most studies on plant adaptation to environmental stressors…

Two blue-light photoreceptors (cry1 and phot1) function differently in hypocotyl light responses
Plant Science Research WeeklyPlants have several types of light receptors that control various responses to light, such as leaf expansion, time-of-flowering, and hypocotyl elongation. When seeds are germinated in the dark, their hypocotyl elongates rapidly because darkness is perceived as being deep underground; the elongation is…

Plasmodesmata: A new frontier for membrane contact site intercellular communication
Plant Science Research WeeklyMembrane contact sites (MCSs) serve a critical role in intracellular communication, particularly between organelle membranes, enabling direct molecular transfer. Less clear is the role MCSs play in intercellular communication. New evidence from Pérez-Sancho et al. implicates plasmodesmata in this function…

Developmental robustness from antagonizing cis-elements
Plant Science Research WeeklyDevelopmental transitions in plants are tightly regulated by transcriptional networks that require fine-tuned temporal and spatial control, with noncoding sequences in gene promoters playing a key role. The conserved transcriptional regulator UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS (UFO) is essential for floral development.…

Single cell analysis of wheat spike development
Plant Science Research WeeklyThis preprint wins the award for “most beautiful paper” this week. Xu, Lin et al. carried out an expression analysis of developing wheat spikes at three developmental stages, using both single-cell RNA sequencing and single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH). The wheat spike is…

A mutation in a nuclear-membrane localized calcium channel enhances symbiosis
Plant Science Research WeeklyCalcium oscillations are widely employed molecular signals, but how signals are encoded and decoded remains largely unknown. In a new study, Cook et al. investigated mutations in the nuclear envelope-localized calcium channel CNGC15 from the legume Medicago truncatula. This protein normally forms a complex…

Fungal pathogen hijacks phosphate signaling to promote pathogenicity
Plant Science Research WeeklyWeakening your opponent is an effective way to win a battle. A new paper by McCombe et al. shows that several pathogenic fungi weaken their plant hosts by disrupting their phosphate signaling pathways. Phosphate is indispensable for plant growth, as a component of ATP, nucleotides, phospholipids, and…

Blocking bacterial invasion: Erucamide inhibits the type III secretion system
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe interaction between plants and pathogens is often described as an evolutionary arms race, in which plants develop multilayered immune signaling to counteract direct extracellular attacks and intracellular chemical effectors. The type III secretion system (T3SS) of Gram-negative bacteria serves as…