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Plant Direct - Open Access

The scope of Plant Direct

By Ivan Baxter Plant Direct is now fully up and running and accepting manuscripts and publishing papers. We are very excited to see the great science that has been submitted. But many have asked me what our statement “We seek to be the sound science plant journal for the community of ASPB…
Plant Direct - Open Access

Plant Direct: ORCID and Preprint Policies

ORCID policy To represent our support of a global identifier and standardization in academic publishing, we require that all authors include a valid ORCID ID and email address during the submission process. Peer review of manuscripts will not commence until this information has been provided for all…

Introducing Plant Direct

By Ivan Baxter First published: 28 June 2017 As the Editor‐in‐Chief, I am excited to introduce Plant Direct, a new journal from Wiley and the societies behind Plant Physiology, The Plant Journal, and The Plant Cell. While there is a crowded landscape…

Plant Direct: Aims and Scope

Plant Direct is a monthly, sound science journal for the plant sciences that gives prompt and equal consideration to papers reporting work dealing with a variety of subjects. Topics include but are not limited to genetics, biochemistry, development, cell biology, biotic stress, abiotic stress, genomics,…