Entries by Mae Mercado

Review: The complexities of metabolite transport in C4 photosynthesis

C4 photosynthesis, an adaptive mechanism to spatially concentrate CO2 around Rubisco to enhance carbon fixation, has evolved independently at least 60 times in plants. This process spatially separates the initial carbon fixation by PEPC and carbon reduction by Rubisco, which requires that compounds move in and out of various organelles of mesophyll cells and bundle […]

Review: Genetic engineering for carbon assimilation in plants

Rubisco (Ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) is the central enzyme for photosynthesis, This enzyme poorly discriminates between CO2 and O2, which limits its efficiency.  To work around this and make carbon assimilation more efficient, scientists have been employing different engineering strategies, several of which are summarized in a new review by Qin et al. One strategy is to alter […]