Entries by Maneesh Lingwan

Unforeseen plant diversity in global dryland

Earth’s terrestrial ecosystems harbor remarkable plant diversity. Some of this diversity can be quantified as functional traits, which provide a measure for diversity in different environments. In this new work, Gross et al. used a functional trait analysis to examine how plants respond to increasing aridity and animal grazing in global drylands, which are highly […]

Triacylglycerol remodeling to synthesize unusual fatty acids in plants

Plant oils, composed of fatty acids, provide humans and animals with food, essential nutrients, chemicals, and biofuels. Plants accumulate over 450 “unusual” fatty acids, which could hold significant value if they achieve optimal production. Hydroxylated fatty acids (HFA) are unusual fatty acids that have applications in industrial production of paints, polymers, and cosmetics. Attempts to […]

Perspective: Exposing belowground plant communication

Plants possess a fascinating ability to communicate with each other through a complex system of chemical signals. Aboveground, they use airborne volatile signals to attract predatory insects, prime defenses in neighbors, facilitate nutrient transfer, and promote plant interactions. However, less is known about the chemical signaling that goes on underground. In this Perspective article, Guerrieri […]

SIMPEL tool to elucidate dynamics of complex metabolism

Cellular metabolism involves flux through metabolic routes, which can be measured using stable isotope (13C,15N) tracers. High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) and transient isotope labeling studies offer an opportunity to get an in-depth understanding of metabolism in specific contexts. In this new work, Kambhampati et al. introduce Stable Isotope-assisted Metabolomics for Pathway Elucidation (SIMPEL) as a […]

UMAMIT44 exports plastidial glutamate and is essential for plant growth

Amino acids (AA) are fundamental components of peptides, proteins, and enzymes that play a critical role in plant growth, cellular metabolism, and stress response. Plants synthesize most AA within chloroplasts and require membrane transporters to transfer them from stroma to cytosol. Cytosolic AA are essential for synthesizing proteins and provide nitrogen support for the growth […]

The global distribution of plant diversity and its significance to humans

Plants shape ecosystems and sustain human life. Only a small portion of plant diversity is currently known to be in use, even though most plants may be useful to humans. Over time, certain species become widespread, but others are native to specific geographical regions. Thus, to manage plant resources efficiently and sustainably, people must understand […]