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XinMeng Gui: The Plant Cell First Author

XinMeng Gui, first author of “Phytophthora effector hijacks the host pre-mRNA splicing machinery to modulate small RNA and plant immunity” Current Position: Ph.D. candidate at Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China. Education: Ph.D. in College of life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University. Non-scientific…

Yongyao Zhao: Plant Physiology First Author

Yongyao Zhao, first author of "The evolution of stomatal traits along the trajectory towards C4 photosynthesis" Current position: Doctoral student Education: Doctoral student in CAS center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Science, Shanghai, China Non-scientific interests: listening to music Brief…

Kyle Palos: The Plant Cell First Author

Kyle Palos, first author of "Identification and functional annotation of long intergenic non-coding RNAs in Brassicaceae" Current Position: Postdoctoral scientist at the Boyce Thompson Institute with Dr. Andrew Nelson. Education: PhD in Plant Science from the University of Arizona with Dr. Mark…

Xiao Li: Plant Physiology First Author

Xiao Li, first author of “CALCIUM-DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE38 regulates flowering time and common cutworm resistance in soybean” Current Position: Post-doc in Nanjing Agricultural University, China Education: PhD in Nanjing Agricultural University, China Non-scientific Interests: Cats, Reading,…

Guo-Feng Jiang: Plant Physiology First Author

Guo-Feng Jiang, first author of "Coordination of hydraulic thresholds across roots, stems, and leaves of two co-occurring mangrove species" Current Position: Associate Professor, College of Forestry, Guangxi University Education: PhD in Botany, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Non-scientific…

Tianzhen Liu: The Plant Cell First Author

Tianzhen Liu, first author of "Dwarf and High Tillering1 represses rice tillering through mediating the splicing of D14 pre-mRNA" Current Position:Ph.D. candidate, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China Education: B.S. at Shandong Agricultural University,…