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Sarah Courbier: Plant Physiology First Author

Sarah Courbier, first author of "Mechanisms of far-red light-mediated dampening of defense against Botrytis cinerea in tomato leaves" Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher in the Horticulture and Product Physiology (HPP) group at Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands. Education:…

Aravind Karanam: Plant Physiology First Author

Aravind Rao Karanam, co-first author of "Boolink: a Graphical Interface for Open Access Boolean Network Simulations and Use in Guard Cell CO2 Signaling" Current Position: PhD Student, Dept of Physics, UC San Diego Education: BS, MS in physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Non-scientific…

David He: Plant Physiology First Author

David Yuchen He, co-first author of "Boolink: a Graphical Interface for Open Access Boolean Network Simulations and Use in Guard Cell CO2 Signaling" Current Position: Master Student, Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC San Diego Education: Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering…

Probing actin-mediated root hair development

Chin et al. identify SPIRRIG and SCAR/WAVE as molecular determinants of actin-mediated root hair development in Arabidopsis.  Background: Root hairs are tip growing cells that extend the radius of a root to optimize water and nutrient absorption. Root hair development is complex and involves the…

Shuaibing Liu: Plant Physiology First Author

Shuaibing Liu, co-first author of “Estimating leaf area index using unmanned aerial vehicle data: Shallow vs. deep machine learning algorithms” Current Position: Ph.D Candidate, School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China Education: B.E. & M.E…

Benjamin Julius: The Plant Cell First Author

Benjamin Julius, first author of "Maize Brittle Stalk2-Like3, encoding a COBRA protein, functions in cell wall formation and carbohydrate partitioning" Current Position: Scientist I – Bayer Crop Science Education: Ph.D. Biological Sciences University of Missouri-Columbia, B.S. Biology from Truman…

Yulei Zhu: Plant Physiology First Author

Yulei Zhu, first author of "Large-scale field phenotyping using backpack LiDAR and CropQuant-3D to measure structural variation in wheat" Current position: Research associate (The Zhou Laboratory, Nanjing Agricultural University) Education: Research master (Master of Engineering) Non-scientific…