Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Yuanyuan Zhang

Yuanyuan Zhang, first author of An ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR-MYB Transcription Complex Regulates Furaneol Biosynthesis by Activating QUINONE OXIDOREDUCTASE Expression in Strawberry

Current Position: PhD student in the Institute of Fruit Science, Zhejiang University, China; graduating September 2018

Education: B.S. (2013) College of Horticulture and Forestry, Huazhong Agricultural University, China

Non-scientific Interests: Reading, table tennis, movies.

Brief bio: I majored in Horticulture in Huazhong Agricultural university, after which I continued my study from 2013 until now in Zhejiang university, in Professor Kunsong Chen’s research group. The work presented in the paper concerning strawberry furaneol was started in the same year I entered Zhejiang university, and together with Dr. Xueren Yin we focused on this research project. Aroma of strawberry is widely appreciated by humans and we were fascinated by the formation and regulation of important volatiles. During the past five years in the Institute of Fruit Science, I received the scientific training required for the project and made gradual progress on the project little by little. There were some tough times during the process, and I sincerely thank all my supervisors and team members for their guidance, encouragement, patience and joint efforts. Finally our work gives some clues about the regulation of furaneol biosynthesis in strawberry, and I believe there will be more encouraging and interesting findings in this area in the near future.